Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We've been doing the holy road scramble. Keeping H over M and all together happy. the wind shift took us to a blessed 60 acres of Roundfarm, old friends and new fam everywhere... thank you mama. the show in NYC last Wed was one of my favorites.... I'll send out some live downloads to fam who've signed up for those kinds of things. I'll say more here when i can but right now i'm catching my breath from that dance i did, the holy road scramble and the Force that caught us, helped us land on our feet again, for yet another chance at this graceful walk Home. last night we ate a great meal 'round a long table of strangers who quickly became fam, enjoyed the heat and sweat with a group of beautiful young farmers, since it meant we were alive after...earlier that evening we had come six inches from losing our lives in a car wreck...on our way to watching the collective play soccer and sing songs on the sidelines, . THANK YOU MAMA -howling to you from the holy road X=h/m, L

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