Monday, August 07, 2006

Started the fast yesterday. Juice and nothing but juice for seven days and seven nights. Greg, our host and long time friend of mine, says I should write about it, he says that we should all write about it. So, Tony started his story..."dear mom" he writes... god, how I'd love to write this story as a letter to my mama but she's gone now and so she wouldn't be able to leave comments like Tony's mom does...The moon's almost full tonight and music is a consistant part of the sunsets here. I want to lose my addictions to coffee and food and all things that keep me from surrender. I want to be more myself than I've ever been. Creating my reality in the fascinating moon, sinking orange into everything and focusing. Wanting to see the puzzle for what it is...But there's no guidance save the face my heart wears, the one I have to search for like a fumbling kid. I'm hungry without hunger and satisfied without food. The long lawn into the Cattail field and the Sunflower field tell me that this is a whole 'nother lifetime again, a new chapter in a book i'm writing, reading and a walking in, all at once, just right now. I have won when I remember that, that I can't win the Great wrestling match with god. I surrender at the mercy of goodness and magic everywhere. god is everywhere, go there."we must eat first of all, to believe in what makes us eat, that something makes us eat, to believe that whatever haunts us in the mysterious depths of ourselves need not haunt us as a soley digestive concern. what I mean is, if it is important for us to eat, it's even more important for us not to waste in the sole concern for eating." -Artaud / howling to you from the holy road, X=h/m....Lizzie

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