Monday, August 14, 2006

the holy howl. five days without word. that's the howling taking all my body, mind and soul. closing on 214 tomorrow. that's the biggest news since birth, in ways. i'll return with the wind when the sun's gone down. too much growing growing on to tell stories now. only in retrosepect will it make sense, but i'll say this....the fast brought me Home. i am whole again. i remembered what it means to pray and that i need to be taught too. "after all the tea and cakes and ices, shall i have the strength to bring the moment to its crisis, for though i have wept and fasted and wept and prayed and though i have seen my head brought in upon a platter, i am no prophet and here is no great matter. for i have seen the eternal footman carry my coat and snicker and in short, i was afraid."(T.S. Elliot) - Howling to you from the holy road, X=h/m, Lizzie

1 comment:

RAGS said...

A poem written as part of a 100 poem challange on This one was for the challeng3 80: "words"

Random noises and sounds, scribbles like chicken scratches,
What magic passed through our planet, like wind through a wheatfield,
Making mountains of meaning from the smallest of batches
of noises in the air; blow hard and strong, your words will shield.

But forget not that words will shift and move, they will mutate,
For love or war it matters not, words will determine your fate,
So speak them softly, speak them gently, smile and be kind,
words in the end, as at the beginning, are only in your mind.

Brandon Smith