Friday, May 11, 2007

From The Artists Eyes

Friday, May 11th, 2007
From The Artist's Eyes

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sharing The Road: reviewing the experience from the artist's eyes.
"Great Art Needs A Great Audience..." Walt Whitman
Overall Show Rating: 8/10
Hosts: (10/10) Mike and Liz are angels of now. They have grown our family here in D.C. and gave us their lovely bedroom. Generosity in their hearts and devotion to the music makes them friends, family, and essential to the holy road tours vision. howlelujah to 'em. Thank you Michael, Liz and Bamboo too.

Venue: (10/10) Sangha
We just love Sangha and Jennifer. Everything I wrote last time remains and more. WE had double the crowd that we had last time and we'll be back in september for our D.C. cd/book release party.

Promotions: (5/10) Michael and Liz went beyond the call of duty and did a great job inviting their friends and putting the word out on line. Our posters were great and hung around town but there was no press, radio, or advertising, and i did not get the sense that news of the show was everywhere.

Opener: no opener.

Sound: (10/10) The sound was great for me. We used our system and Baba set it all up perfectly, the way he always does.

Stage: (10/10) The stage at Sangha feels like our living room and we love it. The only thing missing is a piano and maybe some whisky :-)

Audience: (8/10) The audience was kind, loving, quiet and tame. I love D.C. and feel that we are growing a wonderful family here. They were not a singing audience though, for the most part. Some of them sang but quietly, gently, shyly, to themselves. I'm reallly excited to grow this home and bring the full cabaret to Sangha in September.

My performance: (7/10)I didn't ask them to howl and kept the What time is it question to a minimum. I think I just felt like joining the audience in their shy, mellow and quiet mood. I didn't stand 'till the third to last song with Louise and Be Where Your Feet Are.

Baba: (8/10) Baba is perfect and he always plays like an angel and carries my flight but his keyboard was acting up and it was hindering his performance.

Set List Highlights: Of Course My Love, This Land Is Our Land, 19 Miles To Baghdad, Be Where Your Feet Are, Thank You, Louise, Tin Drum

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