Monday, April 30, 2007

From The Artist's Eyes

From The Artist's Eyes

Sunday, April 29, 2007
Sharing The Road: reviewing the experience from the artist's eyes.
"Great Art Needs A Great Audience..." Walt Whitman
Overall Show Rating: 10/10
Hosts: (10/10) Hammertown Barn (Gregg and Joan Osofsky) is an amazing host. Here, our souls are fed and our bodies are nourished. We eat local food, rehearse by the fire, and re*member the dream together. WKZE is generous with their sponsorship as well. We are so thankful to be part of this growing family and community here in the hudson valley.

Venue: (10/10) Helsinki
This venue is ideal. It's small, intimate, respectful of the performers process, great sound, a dressing room with a bathroom, they fed us and gave us whatever we wanted to drink. They are willing to grow an artist and take risks and help us all re*member the dream. After the show, they let The Dharma Dog enjoy time with his fans. God Dog bless Helsinke.

Promotions: (10/10) WKZE made sure we were heard on the radio. The club's web site gave us a great spotlight. Thank you David Minton. Our posters were hung all around the club. Great Barrington Community radio was supportive with a live on air interview.

Opener: (10/10) We brought Andy Guthrie out from New York City to open for us. We are big fans of his work. He did a wonderful job warming up the audience and re*minding us all. His voice is a mystic voice, hypnotizing and full, like the comfort of the ice age and the promise of evolution no matter what. I loved sitting in the crowd and listening to him, k*nowing he was opening all our hearts for the ripening.

Sound: (10/10) The sound was great for me. Peter did a wonderful job making us feel at home during sound check and the audience seemed inspired by the room mix. My monitors were perect and he dealt with my technical difficulties like an angel.

Stage: (10/10) The stage was small but cozy and I was able to step down too dance with the audience. The paintings that hang as a backdrop served the re*membering well and the velvet curtains that hang behind make it seem as if we are all working inside The Dream.

Audience: (10/10) From the start of the show, they were there for us, singing Reaching for For Light and ready to be fed and to feed. To be the flowers and the bees. They answered now and sanng through the whole show, shining their light on us, re*minding us to be the best Lizzie and Baba we could possibly be. Because of them, we got our wings on and took flight for one of my best shows ever. Howlelujah the time is now. The audience agreed to be free with us and to re*member The Creating Peace Party.

My performance: (10/10) It was dedicated to Mama since she went all the way H*ome two years ago this week. I shined for her and she danced with me. I think I touched the sky, the way I always hoped that I'd do one day. I floated on Baba's playing and the audience singing and then shot to the stars with Woody Guthrie in a r*evolution song and came back to be with my voice of Now. Oh the music lifted us all, like a flock of birds in synchronized flight, we were perfect together last night, me, baba, the stories, the songs, the myth, the magic, the audience and the Dharma Dog cut out. We re*set The Time Peace with The Key to the c*lock and we all agreed to save the bees and start our political party, The Creating Peace Party. Thank you for*giving me The Dream and the perfect cabaret.

Baba: 10/10 I love his soul, he led the Being Freeing, Happiness Happening. X=H/M Despite his cold and cough and feeling terrible, his spirit rose to per*form the best show we've ever done. Cause of him everyone was able to come with us. He is the reason we can all dance and celebrate and still be calm in the re*membering. Without Baba, I'd be flying with one wing and, although it might be thrilling to watch at times, it would make everyone far too nervous to feel good. Thank you Baba, for be*ing the one.

Set List Highlights: Of Course My Love, This Land Is Our Land, 19 Miles To Baghdad, Be Where Your Feet Are, Thank You, Louise, Baba's Somewhere Over The Rainbow,

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