Monday, May 26, 2008

Thank You

Baba says I should blog again. He says this blog is great and it's time for me to start coming out of my cacoon. It's time to start telling the w*hole story. I'm not quite ready but I do know he's right. I'm still unborn but can feel the wings about to open. If you have met me on the path in the last three years, you have met me inside the cacoon. A picture tells more than I can say right now. All my words and poetry is going into the story, the book, the myth, that I write in the early morning hours when only the birds, the dharma and I are speaking. The last eight (almost nine) months has been the greatest chapter in this book of my life. Living Life As Fiction is in full swing again and god it feels good to be free. Thank you Mama. The Myth is helping me re*Member how all the re*Memberers found each other deep inside the dream.
Baba said, "just do a short blog, something, anything. Lizzie, what would you call your new blog, if you were going to start a new one." I wasn't sure. I said I'd think about it. For right now, my beloved husband, I look at the flower you brought me and want to call it "Thank You." The flower reminds me that since I last blogged, you and I got married in an abandoned church on the missouri river. The flower sits on my desk, unopened but promising the transformation in the days and summer months to come. I am alive inside the dream.
"Thank You!" to Mama, the president of HRTU, to the sun,to my superhero husband, to all the wonderful people who have made the last eight months better than I could have ever imagined.
Maybe tomorrow I'll rename it. Yes. I probably will. Tomorrow I'll call it, "Dear Baba..."
I love you always and forever in the core of my being to the tips of my human hands. Re*searching the holy road,
Your artist in life and song, Dharma and Lizzie

1 comment:

Baba Buffalo said...

Dear Lizzie,

My darling amazing wife. I absolutely love you, this post and to read your thoughts again, Traveling the Holy Road. I re*member the photos, places, touches of my finger on the touch screen of the iPhone. I LOVE LOVE LOVE you and look forward to many more posts and growing the ball now and forever...

Love your husband, Baba