Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reviewing The Show From The Artist's Eyes

"I sing myself and celebrate myself, and what I assume you shall assume,for every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you" -Walt Whitman

I am Tumbling and Rolling to keep up with my Bliss Being this week and so, all Time is spent getting ready for this exciting weekend. That's why this review is so short and sweet. Life is Messy, Love the Mess. Act Two was a perfect mess of me and Baba acting out a very rough draft of what I heard some folks in the audience say was a great re*minder to free their Being and live in the Now. The audience was a 10/10, patient, loving, howling, answering, active participants. I'll leave the rest to imagination and just say that I've never had so much fun as I am these days, at The Tumbleweed Cabaret Of Re*membering The Dream!X=h/m -Howling to you form the holy road, Lizzie and The Dharma Dog too

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