Monday, June 30, 2008

This road is far too busy to do the unfolding justice, to give the story what it deserves. All I can say is we are waging peace and I will have to recap it all when we settle on the east coast. Love is the way. Gratitude is the key. The end never justifies the means. If you don't create your reality, your reality will create you. I put faith in The Mighty X, Dr. Bronner and Dr. Tumbleweed. X=h/m. In trust from the holy road, Lizzie and Dharma Dog

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Girl Who Silenced The World

I've been thinking a lot lately about my search for family. When my mother and father traveled from this world, I went looking for the family I had never known, the safe father, the safe daughter, the peaceful mother, the loving husband. After five years, I can say that I have found love in Baba's family, and with The Melvilles. Shante tells me I am the child guard. Baba wears the Whitman Hat. Joe tells his animated story as Baba takes the picture mid motion. We all release the post story laughter, the moment after the photo was taken. Months become moments and moments become years. The story keeps telling me who I really am.

I am on Chapter 26 of the book I have been writing for the last two years. You were in the final scene of my waking dream, re*Member Now?

The girl who made the world scream was there too.

First we breathe, then we speak, then we fall, then we roll, then we scream, then we cry, then we laugh, then we sing, then we dance, then we how*l, then we fall again... this time, we fly.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Missouri Morning

The count down begins. Baba, Adam, Cameron, myself, Jeff and all our local reps are working so hard to make sure the tour is the most inspiring it can possibly be. We are honored to be sharing the stage with Mr. Ritter and we hope he will help us stop the war machine. I am devoted to the adventure. Courage is the skin of revelation. I am alive inside this 24 hour dream. I grow with inspiration and without expectation. The book is getting closer all the time. I finally believe I can finish it by the fall. The show gets more beautiful all the time. The Dharma leads me h*Ome. I give constant thanks for every single peace of this might Master Peace. Thank you to all the wonderful people who have been writing in and letting us know that you are looking forward to seeing us this Summer. In solidarity and fluidity, the dharma and I reach for life. Your artist now and all*ways, Lizzie and Dharma traveling the holy road. X=h/m.